Symposium on ‘Médicaments, surpre- scription et déprescription’

Medications, overprescription and deprescription: A balance to rethink between quality, prevention and social ties On Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at HETSL, this symposium will explore the balance between quality, prevention, and social connection in medication use. Both Janina Kehr and Lisa Lehner will be among the speakers, contributing their insights to the discussion. They will address the challenges associated with extensive prescribing practices […]
Aritkel in der Hausärzt:in

Less is More? In November 2024, the Austrian specialist magazine HAUSÄRZT:IN published an article with eight questions and answers on the “Less is More?” research project, which takes a closer look at the research being conducted on the use of antibiotics and benzodiazepines. (Published in: Specialist magazine HAUSÄRZT:IN, 2024; © RegionalMedien Gesundheit – RMA Gesundheit GmbH) […]

Antibiotics – Less is More The article, published in NEWS, provides an overview of the work conducted by our PI, Janina Kehr, on the utilisation of antibiotics and benzodiazepines, and the potential for their reduction. Furthermore, the article offers insights into our “Less is More?” research project. (Published November, 14th 2024) Read the article Here […]
Interview auf KURIER TV

Are we prescribing too many and too many of the wrong medications? In an interview feature on KURIER TV, Janina Kehr talks alongside Lisa Makas, Director of Women’s Soccer at FAK Austria Wien , about medicine use and dosages in different contexts of social and medical life, also discussing side effects, (antibiotic) resistances, and how […]

Are we overprescribing antibiotics and benzodiazepines? On September 26, 2024, Janina Kehr was featured in a news article in Austrian newspaper KURIER, talking about the issues behind the “Less is More?” research project and the deprescribing of benzodiazepines and antibiotics. Kehr used the example of the two substances to talk more generally about finding “a […]
Der Standard-Artikel

We should be thinking about waste in medicine In the October 4th, 2024, issue of Austrian newspaper DerStandard, Janina Kehr talked about the new Research Network Hub (Forschungsverbund) at the University of Vienna, “Health in Society” (“Gesundheit in Gesellschaft”) and discussed awareness about and attention to waste and sustainability in medicine. (Published October, 4th 2024) […]

“Less is More?” – Research in Austria In an article for Austrian newspaper KURIER, our PI Janina Kehr spoke to Laila Docekal about the “Less is More?” research project. The article featured examples for research projects “made in Austria” with an international profile. (Published January, 3rd 2024) Read the article Here (External) Taking Stock “Less […]