Lucia Mair

Portrait photo of L. Mair in colour_©L. Mair


Lucia Mair is a medical anthropologist and physician whose work focuses broadly on issues of social and health inequality, and the ways in which the two are intwined and acted on by different actors within and outside health care. Currently, Lucia is a PhD Candidate and University Assistant in the group Medical Anthropology and Global Health.

In her PhD project, she explores emergent practices of care and understandings of health, illness and healing in neighborhood-based, primary health centers in urban Germany. Her broader interest lies at the intersection of political mobilization, healthcare experience and welfare state infrastructure.  Previously, she studied European Ethnology at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Medical Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Amsterdam.

Before joining the team, Lucia worked as a medical doctor and consultant in the field of global health, focusing on vaccine access and global infectious disease. Having gained experience in healthcare facilities in Germany, Israel, Kenya and the UK, she also teaches at different universities on questions of health, social inequality, gender medicine, medical ethics and healthcare politics.

Research Focus


Contact Details

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
NIG, 4th floor
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Vienna



selected publications

Public Speaking

December 2021: “Community health care centres as re-emerging sites of radical political practice in urban Germany”. Medical Anthropolog Switzerland (MAS) Colloquium “The Novel Stakes of Social Medicine”, University of Lausanne (UNIL).

June 2021: “Introduction to Feminist Global Health”, Global Health colloquium of German Medical Students’ Association (bvmd e.V.).

June 2021: Panelist on public panel discussion: “Gender and health – ways out of gender discrimination in medicine”, Bonn, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen.

Online Publications

2021: “Conference Report: Colloquium ‘The Novel Stakes of Social Medicine’”. BMJ Medical Humanities Blog. Available at: