Veronika Siegl
Medical Anthropology
Veronika Siegl and Ayo Wahlberg
Rudolphina – Research Magazine of the University of Vienna
Interview with Janina Kehr
Rudolphina – Research Magazine of the University of Vienna
Talk with Robert Böhm and Janina Kehr
Rudolphina – Research Magazine of the University of Vienna
Talk with Janina Kehr and Lisa Makas
edited by Lucia Mair and Veronika Siegl
Podcast with Janina Kehr on Tuberculosis
produced by Déborah Malka and Noa Ammar
Health for All? Pasts, Presents and Futures of Aspirations for Universal Healthcare
edited by Janina Kehr, Jacinta Victoria Syombua Muinde, and Ruth J. Prince